Am flwyddyn!
Ar goll ar y dechra, popeth yn canslo a efo pryderon am fy musnas a lle a be i neud nesa.
Mae’r ganwyll fach lliwiau’r enfys wedi nghario i a wedi fy helpu i ag eraill mewn gymaint o ffyrf gwahanol eleni a wedi ysbrydoli cynnych newydd hefyd.
Dwi’n goleuo un fi yn amal ag yn cael munud i feddwl, a gobaith am y dyfodol.
Wedi cael gweithio gyda busnesau lleol cymreig newydd fel @meianbymeinir a i helpu greu cynnyrch iddynt. Mwynhau cydweithio yn arw.
Geshi lazer newydd spon ar ddiwedd yr haf i helpu mi gyda fy ngwaith ysgythru a creu 100 o bowlenni bach i archeb.
Mae cymorth Y worshipful Company of Woodturners wedi bod yn anhygoel eleni, er ni chefais barhau efo’r cwrs i ddatblygu’n sgiliau, mi gesi y cyfle i fod yn rhan o 2 noson zoom i’r aelodau ag trafod fy mhrofiadau i o weithio yn ystod cyfnod cloi.
Wedyn cefais brofiad a sialens anhygoel efo s4c ar y rhaglen ” Y Stiwdio Grefftau”. Oddo rhyfedd gweld y rhaglen yn cael ei ail ddangos a gweld fy hun ar y teledu heddiw, tra cael paned a cacen dolig!
Diweddglo annisgwyl a cyffroes i’r flwyddyn oedd y profiad yna, a dwi dal methu coelio bofi di creu mainc mewn mis! Edrych nol ma ychydig fel breuddwyd.
Mai wedi troi yn oes o shopa ar lein, a dwi yn ddiolchgar iawn i bawb sydd wedi fy nghefnogi i eleni, mae o wedi fy ngwthio i i ddeallt fy ngwefan yn well a dwi’n diolch o wylod calon i bawb am bob archeb.
Dwi teimlo yn hynod o lwcus i allu deud fod pethau positif wedi dod allan o’r flwyddyn yma, er iddo wneud i reit bryderus, ofnus a bregus ar adegau.
Gobeithio y cawn ni gyd flwyddyn newydd dda a gwell yn 2021.
What a Year!
I was totally lost at the start, worried about my business as it wasn’t doing that well and then everything cancelling in one go, I had no clue where to go next.
When I made that little rainbow tealight holder, I never thought it would be so popular. It has carried and helped me and others in so many ways this year and inspired new colourways.
I light mine up often to reflect and hope for future.
I’ve made some lovely connections with local businesses, and collaborated with them on their products.
I bought a new lazer at the end of summer and that helped me with a 100 bowl commission.
The Worshipful Company of Woodturners have been amazing this year, their support and my mentor Joey Richardson support has been invaluable.
I was honoured to have the chance to take part in their wizardy in wood zoom evening and discuss what I’d been doing through lockdown. I was gutted that my training at the start of the year had to be postponed but i have tried to perservere on my own.
The opportunity to take part in ‘The Craft Studio’ on s4c was such a brilliant experience and challenge. I still cant believe i made a bench in a month!
It has turned into the age of online shopping. I cannot thank you all enough for your support this year, it has forced me to understand my website, and every order has meant a lot to me.
I feel very lucky to be able to say I had many positives come out of this year, eventhough it increased my anxieties, worries and stress at times.
Thank you so much to you all. Hoping for a Happy and better new year for all. x