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Comisiwn Baton Parc Eryri /Snowdonia Park Baton commission

Mae’n neis gallu datgelu y comisiwn yma. Comisiwn olaf imi weithio arno am 2021, y darn olaf oni medru ei greu yn y gweithdy, nes i bump fynd rhy fawr i allu turnio. Oni reit emosiynol yn gorffen y darn yma.
Dyma baton gafodd ei greu i ddathlu 70 mlynedd Parc Eryri. Bydd y baton yn mynd ar ei thaith o Ogledd Eryri ar 11eg o Hydref a gorffan yn y  De ar 18eg sef penblwydd y parc, drwy’r mynyddoedd, afonydd a mwy.
Braint yw cael y cyfle i gyfranu i’r prosiect yma, a cael bod yn y noson dathlu nithiwr a cael gweld gwaith a cyfraniad artistiaid eraill.
Mae’r baton wedi ei greu o bren derw, gyda amlinelliad y mynyddoedd mewn aliminiwm, a geiria o gerdd Ifor ap Glyn “cawn adnabod iaith y gwynt” wedi ei daro ar ddarn o gopr, a gwlan cymreig wedi ei wehyddu fel addurn. Roeddwn eisiau defnyddio defnyddiau naturiol a all oroesi tywydd y daith, a defnyddiau sydd fel arfar yn dod neu yn tyfu o’r mynyddoedd. Roedd yn neis cynnwys metal yn fy ngwaith eto, heb wneud hyn ers dyddia prifysgol.
Ewch ar y wefan newydd i ddarllen mwy am ddathliadau Parc Eryri.

It’s nice to be able to show you this commission, and it was my last commission, and last item to turn in the workshop as well as the bump started to get in the way. It was very emotional completing this piece.
This Baton was created to celebrate Snowdonia Park’s 70years since establishing. The baton will go on a journey from North of tge park on 11th October and finish in the South on the park’s birthday on 18th. It will travel through the mountains and rivers and more. It was an honour to be asked to do this commission, and really nice to be at the celebration night last night and see other artist’s work and contributions.

The baton is created from oak wood, it has Snowdonia mountain outline in aluminium, and word’s from Ifor ap Glyn’s poem “and we will know the language of the wind” on copper, with welsh wool weaved in the middle. I wanted to use natural materials that come or grow on the mountains. It was nice to include metal work in my work again- not done so since uni and will be an area to explore again in future..
Go on the park’s new website to see more.


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Edrych yn ol ar 2020 / reflecting on 2020

Am flwyddyn!
Ar goll ar y dechra, popeth yn canslo a efo pryderon am fy musnas a lle a be i neud nesa.
Mae’r ganwyll fach lliwiau’r enfys wedi nghario i a wedi fy helpu i ag eraill mewn gymaint o  ffyrf gwahanol eleni a wedi ysbrydoli cynnych newydd hefyd.
Dwi’n goleuo un fi yn amal ag yn cael munud i feddwl, a gobaith am y dyfodol.

Wedi cael gweithio gyda busnesau lleol cymreig newydd fel @meianbymeinir a i helpu greu cynnyrch iddynt. Mwynhau cydweithio yn arw.

Geshi lazer newydd spon ar ddiwedd yr haf i helpu mi gyda fy ngwaith ysgythru a creu 100 o bowlenni bach i archeb.

Mae cymorth Y worshipful Company of Woodturners wedi bod yn anhygoel eleni, er ni chefais barhau efo’r cwrs i ddatblygu’n sgiliau, mi gesi y cyfle i fod yn rhan o 2 noson zoom i’r aelodau ag trafod fy mhrofiadau i o weithio yn ystod cyfnod cloi.

Wedyn cefais brofiad a sialens anhygoel efo s4c ar y rhaglen ” Y Stiwdio Grefftau”. Oddo rhyfedd gweld y rhaglen yn cael ei ail ddangos a gweld fy hun ar y teledu heddiw, tra cael paned a cacen dolig!

Diweddglo annisgwyl a cyffroes i’r flwyddyn oedd y profiad yna, a dwi dal methu coelio bofi di creu mainc mewn mis! Edrych nol ma ychydig fel breuddwyd.

Mai wedi troi yn oes o shopa ar lein, a dwi yn ddiolchgar iawn i bawb sydd wedi fy nghefnogi i eleni, mae o wedi fy ngwthio i i ddeallt fy ngwefan yn well a dwi’n diolch o wylod calon i bawb am bob archeb.

Dwi teimlo yn hynod o lwcus i allu deud fod pethau positif wedi dod allan o’r flwyddyn yma, er iddo wneud i reit bryderus, ofnus a bregus ar adegau.

Gobeithio y cawn ni gyd flwyddyn newydd dda a gwell yn 2021.


What a Year!
I was totally lost at the start, worried about my business as it wasn’t doing that well and then everything cancelling in one go, I had no clue where to go next.

When I made that little rainbow tealight holder, I never thought it would be so popular. It has carried and helped me and others in so many ways this year and inspired new colourways.
I light mine up often to reflect and hope for  future.

I’ve made some lovely connections with local businesses, and collaborated with them on their products.

I bought a new lazer at the end of summer and that helped me with a 100 bowl commission.

The Worshipful Company of Woodturners have been amazing this year, their support and my mentor Joey Richardson support has been invaluable.

I was honoured to have the chance to take part in their wizardy in wood zoom evening and discuss what I’d been doing through lockdown. I was gutted that my training at the start of the year had to be postponed but i have tried to perservere on my own.

The opportunity to take part in ‘The Craft Studio’ on s4c was such a brilliant experience and challenge. I still cant believe i made a bench in a month!

It has turned into the age of online shopping. I cannot thank you all enough for your support this year, it has forced me to understand my website, and every order has meant a lot to me.

I feel very lucky to be able to say I had many positives come out of this year, eventhough it increased my anxieties, worries and stress at times.

Thank you so much to you all. Hoping for a Happy and better new year for all. x

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Mis cyffroes o’m mlaen /Exciting month ahead

Mae hi’n gyntaf o Rhagfyr heddiw. Mae’r flwyddyn wedi hedfan, ag am flwyddyn anodd a rhyfedd! Hoffwn ddiolch yn fawr iawn i bawb am eu archebion a cefnogaeth dros y flwyddyn yma..mae wedi bod yn anhygoel ag rwyf wedi gorfod dysgu lot am werthu ar lein eleni. Mae’r wefan wedi gweld gwerthiant anhygoel a llawer o eitemau yn gwerthu allan yn amal! dwi bellach wedi gallu ail stocio popeth bydd cyfle i chi archebu gynai hyd at 17/12/2020.

Rwyf hefyd yn edrych mlaen i rhaglen ‘Y stiwdio grefftau’ gychwyn ar s4c. Rwyf wedi bod yn gweithio yn galed am fis yn creu ar gyfer her y sioe yma a fydd werth ei wylio. Mae’r rhaglen cynta yn cychwyn heno 9pm, a fyddai ar yr un olaf 15ed o Rhagfyr.

Well it’s the first of December today. This year has flown by and what a weird and difficult year it’s been. I would like to thank everyone this year for their support and orders, it’s been amazing and I’ve had to learn how to sell online and force myself to understand my website better. The website has seen record sales and items going out of stock regularly. I’m pleased to say that everything is back in stock now, and you have a chance to order up to the 16th of December.

I’m also excited about the new program on s4c starting tonight “Y stiwdio grefftau” – the craft studio. I’ve been making and working hard for a month towards this program’s challenge and it will be well worth a watch. The first program starts tonight at 9pm- I’ll be on the last one 15th December.

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Newyddion Cyffroes / Exciting News

***Newyddion Cyffroes iawn**
Rwyf wedi bod yn cydweithio gyda cwmni newydd  Mari Emlyn ac Ifan Emyr i greu gwaelodion lampau pren iddynt ar gyfer eu cysgod lampau.
Prosiect hyfryd iawn i weithio gyda nhw ar eu dyluniad a sialens dechnegol a hanner  imi i ddysgu fy hun sut i greu gwaelodion lampau.
Ewch draw i weld eu casgliad, maent werth eu gweld.

***Exciting News***
I’ve been collaborating recently with a new local lampshade business called  in creating some wooden lamp bases for their lampshades.
It’s been a lovely project to work on and a challenge for me technically as I figured out how to turn and make lampshade bases.
Go take a look at their collection, beautiful work.

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Bywyd yn ystod Lockdown/ Life during Lockdown

Edrych yn ol dros y cyfnod yma, mai wedi bod yn un heriol a rhyfedd. Ar ddechra mis Mawrth roeddwn i yn brysur efo archebion tlysau gwahanol ag yn creu ambell gomisiwn.  Cefais fy newis ar gyfer sioe ‘Top Drawer’ yn LLundain  am y tro cyntaf ag yn edrych mlaen yn arw iddo. Roeddwn newydd gychwyn ar gwrs turnio efo The Worshipful Company of Woodturners a AWGB yn Mriste, ag wedyn aeth y wlad i gyd i ‘lockdown’. Am gyfnod roeddwn ar goll, ag yn drist iawn fod cyn gymaint o bethau wedi ei ganslo- (fy mhenblwydd yn 30 yn un!) – doedd genai fawr o fynadd turnio ag yn gweld hi yn anodd addasu i’r newid. Wnesi ddechrau cerdded, garddio a ymarfer sgiliau turnio yn slo bach yn y gweithdy.

Looking back over these past few months, it’s been a strange and challenging time. At the beginning of March, I was busy with trophy orders and few commissions, and had been selected to exhibit at my first ever trade show ‘Top Drawer’ in London. I had just done my first weekend in Portishead on the ‘Certificate in Woodturning’ Course with The Worshipful Company of Woodturners and AWGB  then the whole country went into lockdown. For a while I felt lost, and gutted so many things got cancelled. My 30th birthday for one! I had no motivation and was trying to adapt to this change. I started walking more, doing some gardening, and practice some turning skills in the workshop for a while. 

Penderfynnais i ddefnyddio yr amser yma i arborfi gyda syniadau newydd yn y gweithdy. Roeddwn eisiau datblygu y casgliad gwehyddu, ag wedi bod yn arbofi yn gyson gyda gwahanol syniadau yn ddiweddar.

I decided to use this time to experiment with new ideas and play in the Workshop. I wanted to explore new ideas and shape for the weaving collection, and have been making progress on this over the last few weeks. 

Yn ystod Ebrill, fe wnesi greu daliwr golau bach lliwiau’r enfys, ag mi oedd yn lwyddiant mawr, gan gasglu llawer o arian i elusennau.  Ar y dechrau mi wnesi greu un i oleuo ag i gofio y rhai oedd yn dioddef. Erbyn hyn, mae’r daliwr golau wedi datblygu i fod yn symbol o obaith, ag wedi cael ei brynu fel anrheg i eraill i ddangos cariad a gobaith i’w gilydd.  Roedd creu y canwyllau bach hyn wedi rhoi blas imi ar sut fuasai bywyd yn gwneud fy musnes bach llawn amser rhywddydd. Mi wnaeth o fy helpu i drwy gyfnod y ‘lockdown’ ag yn rhywbeth positif iawn i ddod allan o sefyllfa mor bryderus a rhyfedd.  Cefais hyd i’r tân yn fy mol ar angerdd tuag at fy ngwaith, ag rhoi hwb imi goelio yn fy hun. Rwyn berson sydd yn pryderu llawer , ag yn ofn mentro weithau,  ond mi ddangoswyd y cyfnod prysur yna o greu y canwyllau fy mod yn fwy na tebol o allu gwneud hyn.

Mae’r cyfnod yma wedi gwneud imi sylweddoli beth sydd yn bwysig mewn bywyd, ag pa mor bwysig ydyw i wneud y pethau rydych yn fwynhau fwyaf.  Gobeithio medru rhannu efo chi luniau o waith newydd yn fuan.

Gwelir rhywfaint o’r comisiynau a gwaith sydd wedi cael ei greu yn ystod cyfnod lockdown.

During April, I created a rainbow tealight holder, which became a huge success and raised a lot of money for charity. At the start I made one to light up and remember those lost and suffering, and by now the rainbow tealight holder has evolved to symbolise hope and has been bought by many as gifts- to show love and affection to one another. Making these tealights really gave me an insight into what life could be like doing my own work full time one day. It really got me through the lockdown and was a huge positive out of strange and worrying time.  It helped me to find the fire and passion again for my work, and to really believe in myself. Iv’e always been scared that i’ll get to overwhelmed, and i get many anxieties, but that busy period making my tealights has shown me that i can do this, and I’m capable of doing this little business. 

This period has made me realise what’s important in life, and how important it is to do things you enjoy. Hoping to be able to share new work with you all very soon. check out my instagram and facebook for regular updates insta- @miriam_jones2

Here are some images of work made during lockdown.

penblwydd lockdown yn Mis Mawrth/ Lockdown Birthday in March

Tyfu Tomatos/ Growing Tomatoes (never grown anything before! they are huge by now!)

ymwelwyr annisgwyl yn y gweithdy / my unexpected (and uninvited) visitors to the workshop

creu daliwr golau / creating tealight holder

powlenni lockdown/ lockdown bowls.


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Mis Mawrth prysur o fy mlaen / Busy March ahead..

Mae wedi bod yn gyfnod prysur yn ddiweddar..gyda archebion personol ar gyfer achlysuron amrywiol megis penblwyddi a priodasau…dyma i chi gip olwg ar rhai ohonynt oedd yn mynd allan yn y post ag ati wythnos yma…

It has been a busy few weeks recently with a lot of personalised gifts for various occassions such as birthdays and is a sneaky peek at some that went out to be delivered this week…

Dwi hefyd gyda 2 archeb tlysau go fawr iw gwneud…edrych ymlaen i gael cychwyn ar rhain yn fuan..dipyn o dorri a mesur i wneud yn gyntaf.. bydden nhw rhywbeth tebyg o ran steil i rhain..

I also have two big trophy commissions to do and looking forward to starting them soon. lot of cutting and measuring to do this week..

Mis yma hefyd byddaf yn cychwyn ar gwrs turnio drwy “The worshipful Company of woodturners”. Derbyniais Bursery dechra 2019 i ddatblygu fy sgiliau turnio a byddaf yn cychwyn ar y cwrs “Certificate in woodturning” penwythnos yma yn Bristol ag yn ymweld ar Bursary yn Llundain mewn pythefnos. Dwi hefyd yn troi yn 30 mis yma..fu rhaid fi ffitio fewn amsar am gacan a dathlu yn rhywle!!

This weekend I will be starting Certificate in Woodturning Course down in Bristol as part of the Bursary I recieved back in 2019 by the Worshipful Company of Woodturners to develop my craft. Really looking forward to start this and to go for a meeting in London in two weeks time to show my work. As well as turning 30 this month I must squeeze in some time for birthday celebrations too!

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Cariad Pur sydd fel y dur yn para tra bo dau../ love so pure, it will endure, while our two hearts remain


Mae genai ddipyn o bowlenni erbyn meddwl gyda penillion reit rhamantus a chariadus. Dyma un engraifft- gyda ‘Tra bo dau’ wedi ei ysgythru ar ymyl y bowlen… syniad anrheg perffaith ar gyfer achlysur arbennig, dathliad neu anrheg Sant Ffolant!

I have quite a few bowls with romantic or loving poetry on them. Here is one example- a bowl that can be etched in Welsh or English-   perfect gift idea for a special occasion, celebration or Valentines gift!

Our rich years might fade and beauty may wither and wane;

but with our love so pure, it will endure while our two hearts remain.

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Ychydig bach o gariad i godi’r galon /a little bit of love to lift your spirits.

Foru mae hi’n ddiwrnod Santes Dwynwen. Os am syniadau unigryw am anrhegion cariadus mae Sêl Genwaith dal ar y wefan!

Dyma lluniau o rhai o’r cynnyrch fuasai yn gwneud anrheg perffaith.

powlen gyda ‘cariad’ ar yr ymyl

powlen ‘mi gerddaf gyda thi’

gemwaith- i gyd ar Sêl!

A postio am ddim! ewch amdani!


Tomorrow it’s Wales day of love ‘diwrnod Santes Dwynwen’.

For gift ideas for your loved ones for any occassion..bearing in mind Valentines day will be upon us very soon!

The Jewellery sale is still on the website. with some items starting from £14!

Here are some examples of unique gift ideas on the website…

‘Cariad’ bowls with love lasered on the edge.

‘ill walk with you all the years ahead” bowl

and tealight holders from £10 in your own choice of colour.

All free post! go for it!!

#gifts #special #occasion #lovedones #love #cariad #cymraeg #anrhegion #rhamantus #romance

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Exhibiting work at The Platform Gallery, Clitheroe -opens 20/1/2020


Back in October 2019 I was lucky enough to be selected to take part in Platform Gallery’s ‘form and function’ exhibition.

I was given this as a award during the Great Northern Contemporary Craft fair.  The expression on my face when they presented the award says it all!

I was gobsmacked and really excited and happy to have been chosen.

Here is a sneaky peek at just one of the items that will be on display during this exhibition.